Wednesday, June 16, 2010

S1E2 - If Models Could Cause Otherwise Rational Individuals To Crumble In Their Presence, Exactly How Powerful Was Beauty?

Many a time I noticed that when a tall woman walks into a room, she commands attention. Not by force. Her aura just exudes confidence. Men and women alike, would turn to look. Sometimes a double take. I guess just like buildings, the taller you are, the more you get noticed.

I, on the other hand, never had such privilege. Standing at 5'2, I've been called short. I believe the word is petite, assholes. My point being, tall and gorgeous women tend to get the first look advantage. Would you look at the elephant first or the cute puppy next to it? My point exactly.

My friends and I have a name for gorgeous women with nothing in the northern region. We call them Barbies. See, we had this recurring discussion, where men would tell us how they want an intelligent woman by their side. One whom they are not ashamed of to bring around and show off to friends and family. One who would be able to help them career wise and in deciding matters. And of course, one they would be able to carry and have engaging conversations with. But somehow, whenever a Barbie walks through the door, just like the Civil War, the North and South battles. However, in this war, the South wins.

Of course, I was unfortunate enough to be at the lousy end of this faux idealistic notion of such shallow men. So, I felt the need for some answers. So I asked a male friend.


His answer was simple. Barbies are fun. They look good and all they want to do is have fun and party. The smart ones over think and over analyze situations and we don't have the time to deal with all that bullshit.

So what about the ones with beauty AND brains? 

In a sociology case study, a job interview was set up. The applicants consist of Some Hot Thang and a Whats Her Face. Results? The interviewer had more eye contact with Some Hot Thang. 

So just how powerful is beauty? Pretty damn powerful. Ask Aphrodite. But she'll also tell you that just like her fellow comrade, Archilles, there is always a downfall.
Pretty women who excel at work are not taken seriously. You might work just as hard as that uncle frying kuey teow at the corner street but are seen to have climbed the ladder to success because people confuse you with Miranda Kerr on the streets all the time.

I've heard some pretty derogatory comments that suggest, with her pretty face, she's just going to marry some rich man and lead a happy life while we slog like slaves. Some even tell these girls they don't have to study or work too hard because they can snag a rich man with that face and just live life. It's sad that that is all the potential they see in beautiful women. Talk about stereotyping.

So just how powerful is beauty? Pretty damn powerful. Ask Peter Parker. But he'll also tell you:

"With great power comes great responsibilities".


  1. How I wish my parents had encouraged me to just marry a rich man because if they did then I would not be wasting over 30% of my life (and more to come) trying to get an education, regretting having to work in a cubicle in my power suit when all I want to be is the wife of man. =p

  2. Lol, the grass is always greener on the other side. If you're a taitai, you wished you had your own thing to do. And who's to say your husband won't treat you like dirt? =(
